Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tiny Bubbles Laundry Give away

Tiny Bubbles is Giving away free detergent. It is biodegradable and safe for all diaper brands and great for your kiddos clothing (and yours too). If you cut and paste the link to the site to your blog and email customer service with your address and link to the blog, you can try it too.

The website

The email:

All blogs must be established. Please include your name, link to your blog, and address to qualify for the give away. Contest ends July 31st.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Princess Poopy Pants

Potty Training sucks. I'm calling it training as opposed to potty learning like I was at first because Karlynn knows how to potty. She was using the potty like a champ except for poops before Stryder was born. Now, I cant get her to use it to save my life. She doesn't care. Yesterday she pooped while napping (which happens frequently) and that is fine. It was huge so we thought she was done. We are now going pull-up free during the day at home because I really want her peeing on the potty again at least. So she is running around bare booty with her dress up on and she comes into the family room and says she needs to potty. This while I'm feeding Stryder so I ask Wynter to take her. She sits there until I'm done with Stryder and I go in to check on her. She is picking at her hands. I ask her, "Whats all over your hands?" She says,"poo poo." I ask her how she got the poo poop on her hands and she says, "From my butt." Then I find poop on the seat; poop on the toilet paper roll; and poop on the floor. The she grabs my legs and gets poop all over my pants. Oh and poop on the dress up.

When will this child decide that she wants to poop on the potty? Preschool starts on Sept. 8th. I have to pay my first month tuition by the end of July. Kris does not want me to pay it if she is not going to be able to go. I'm hoping that I can get her 90% potty trained and send her to school anyway. Wynter just barely made it to school with her potty training and she was younger than Karlynn. Then again, Wynter didn't regress due to a sibling being born.

So, if you have any tips or tricks please let me know. I'm desperate at this point. I feel we have tried everything.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Weight Loss Begins

I went to the gym today. It kicked my butt. Clearly a 7 week postpartum body is not meant to jump into step and sculpt full force for an hour. I feel like jello but it feels wonderful. I loved being pregnant. I loved my body and I loved eating what every I felt like. Now that it's all over, I am so uncomfortable in this hanging flab of a stomach. I hope that I can get this weight off sooner than later. My mom butt is in full effect and I really would prefer to have a Dancing with the Stars body. I think I will print out all their pictures and stick them all over my fridge and the junk food. My friend use to do this in HS. That way when I go to grab the cookies, I have to first look at Edita's body. Maybe it will make me think twice. Baby steps right?

So, now the process must begin. I can not eat the cookies or the giant Costco cupcake with the serving size of 1/4 a cupcake (BTW, I ate the whole cupcake this afternoon). I need to hop on board the weight loss train. I think I will buy a scale on Friday. I have never been a fan of them but I will never know if I'm making progress if I don't buy one. I also need to stock pile the house with healthy food. I will set myself up for success.