Monday, June 22, 2009

The Weight Loss Begins

I went to the gym today. It kicked my butt. Clearly a 7 week postpartum body is not meant to jump into step and sculpt full force for an hour. I feel like jello but it feels wonderful. I loved being pregnant. I loved my body and I loved eating what every I felt like. Now that it's all over, I am so uncomfortable in this hanging flab of a stomach. I hope that I can get this weight off sooner than later. My mom butt is in full effect and I really would prefer to have a Dancing with the Stars body. I think I will print out all their pictures and stick them all over my fridge and the junk food. My friend use to do this in HS. That way when I go to grab the cookies, I have to first look at Edita's body. Maybe it will make me think twice. Baby steps right?

So, now the process must begin. I can not eat the cookies or the giant Costco cupcake with the serving size of 1/4 a cupcake (BTW, I ate the whole cupcake this afternoon). I need to hop on board the weight loss train. I think I will buy a scale on Friday. I have never been a fan of them but I will never know if I'm making progress if I don't buy one. I also need to stock pile the house with healthy food. I will set myself up for success.