Thursday, April 22, 2010

Boba Giveaway

I know its been a while since I have made a post. I just cant seem to think of anything interesting to say. Usually my posts are simply about products that I have found and are being given away in a contest. My new obsession is this fabulous Boba carrier. Im thinking that Stryder needs one of these for his birthday. They are doing a giveaway for one of these. Here is the link...

Boba contest

Hooray for babywearing. Check the contest out.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Teether Giveaway

Hi all!

Its been a while. I need to make this blog more of a priority. I read so many other blogs and they are fabulous about sharing the events of the family's. I as of lately have only been using my blog for selfish reasons- to gain more entries into giveaways.For now that will have to do. I came across this blog on facebook and I had to share.

This teether that she is giving away looks awesome. Check it out.